Friday, July 9, 2010

Just deal with it

Your world might be harsh, unjust, cruel or depressing but if you're willing to be a greater person know this : people grew strong not by living in paradise but by walking this earth

Facing the trouble within you might feel bored, broken, angry or even hungry(?!)
sometime you feel like you're alone...
maybe you are, just know that no one can always be with you,
your mother and father are working hard to keep you alive, well-educated and all that,
don't blame them if they're not giving you money to buy your cigarettes and drugs

Facing the trouble within you might feel bored, broken, angry or even hungry(?!)
sometime you feel like you're alone...
maybe you are, just know that no one can always be with you,
your brother and sister are human too, they have their own problem to attend to,
don't say that they're not looking after you enough when they barely had enough time for themselves

Facing the trouble within you might feel bored, broken, angry or even hungry(?!)
sometime you feel like you're alone...
maybe you are, just know that no one can always be with you,
boyfriend or girlfriend might broke up with you one day,
or losing connection with your "just friends" in the way you feel like you don't even know who they're anymore because you lost your usual words with them

It just happen that way,
some loser like me said," live is cruel, it filled with no fun, banal and boring", and they keep on rambling about how they want to die...
but look at the bright side there's also people saying : "I found the reason to live, the happiness in hard work, and true friends", and they live their fullest...
You might lose something or someone dear to you in this journey, it's a must, just like the sun keep on rising and shining so does human lives. It goes without saying, nobody is truly happy in this world if they know no sadness

So I hope that we all on the same page in this one, that it's all in the state of mind, this world that we're living in. Whatever come your way just deal with it. Wear your best smile and laugh heartily, knowing that you can take on the world and reach your dreams... and if you fail? Quit whining it's not the first time I'm wrong, duh!

originally posted by mr. pascal lahai roy manalu

hahahahahah menohok banget kata-katanya. menunjukkan kalo emang manusia gak pernah puas dan gak pernah bersyukur
people grew strong not by living in paradise but by walking this earth
masih untung bisa idup, punya keluarga, masih dapet segala nikmat dari Tuhan. masiiiiihhh aja ngeluh (baca: gue)
kayaknya hidup ini gak adil banget (kayak sinetron aja), ngerasa sendiri, gak ada yang ngertiin, bikin marah aja. keong racun!!!

ehm, tapi seperti kata Arnold di film Hey, Arnold, kita harus bisa ngambil sisi positifnya
ini juga yang berusaha diutarakan oleh mr. pascal lahai roy manalu alias si ical (yang ternyata ada juga di mata kuliah ilmu budaya dasar yang gue ambil pas semester dua kemaren)
gue merasa sangat tertohok
tapi pertanyaannya adalah, "apa gue bisa terus sadar kayak gini?"
pada kenyataannya gue udah sering banget bilang menyesal, tapi diulangi lagi (baca: gue)
bilang gak mau bikin salah lagi, tapi dibikin lagi (baca: gue)
buset dah, jelek-jelek amat sifat gue ckckckckck
maafkan saya, ya Allah....
berilah hamba-Mu ini cahaya jalan-Mu....
berilah hamba-Mu ini semangat yang tak pernah padam (kayak film deh)
dan sekali lagi, maafkanlah hamba-Mu ini...

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